December 7, 2020 – According to GDV, accident insurers had around 25.8 million contracts in their portfolio in 2019. They achieved almost 6.7 billion euros in gross written premiums. According to the “Industry Monitor 2014-2019: Accident Insurance”, Allianz leads the rankings by policy portfolio and premium income. This is followed by Debeka and Generali Deutschland (contracts) and Ergo and R + V (premium). In percentage terms, Generali Deutschland grew the most of the market sizes – due to restructuring.
According to the “Statistical Pocket Book of the Insurance Industry 2020” by the Association of the German Insurance Industry eV (GDV) has around 25.8 million contracts.
According to absolute figures, this is 0.4 million more than at the end of 2018. However, the association states that the “adjusted rate of change due to the change in the population” is minus 0.4 percent.
Allianz at the top among the individual companies
At the level of the individual companies, the company had almost 4.5 million contracts Allianz Insurance AG most of the policies on the books. This is shown by the “Industry Monitor: Accident Insurance 2014-2019” of VERS Leipzig GmbH and the Sirius Campus GmbH. This shows numerous key figures of the 50 largest market participants with around 93 percent market share.
In second place is that Debeka Allgemeine Versicherung AG with almost two million before the Generali Germany Insurance AG with around 1.85 million contracts. In fourth place is the Ergo Insurance AG with over 1.7 million policies again.
Positions five to ten each occupy seven-digit stocks R + V Allgemeine Versicherung AG, the ADAC Versicherung AG, the Signal Iduna Allgemeine Versicherung AG, the Huk-Coburg Liability Assistance Fund for motor vehicle officials in Germany aG, the Bayerischer Versicherungsverband Versicherungs-AG and the Huk-Coburg-Allgemeine Versicherung AG.
Special factors ensure great growth
Exceptionally high growth in the mid six-digit range is calculated for Allianz and Generali Deutschland. Special factors were decisive for this. “Due to the systematic change in the accident insurance business, the number of contracts here increased statistically by around 500,000,”Annual report 2019 (1.3 MB) explained.
For Generali Germany, the study authors write under “Special features of the analyzed insurers” at the end of the industry monitor: “2019: The brokerage business of Generali Versicherung AG was transferred to the newly founded Dialog Insurance AG transfer.
The exclusive sales business remained with Generali Versicherung AG. Generali Versicherung AG was merged with Aachenmünchener Versicherung AG and became Generali Germany Insurance AG renamed. A comparison with previous years is only possible to a limited extent. “
The providers with the greatest increases
Unsurprisingly, Generali Deutschland (plus more than half, first position) and Allianz (plus one eighth, third place) came out on top in the list of the fastest growing market sizes. In second place is the Huk-Coburg Allgemeine, which increased by about a seventh. The latter provider has grown consistently in the double-digit percentage range over the past few years.
The 2019 growth rates at Huk-Coburg VVaG, Bavarian Insurance Association and ADAC were between five and almost two percent. The development at Debeka was slightly positive, and slightly negative at R + V.
The Signal Iduna shrank by almost two percent, the Ergo by almost five percent. In the case of the last-named player, the portfolio has been melting at a roughly constant level for several years – among other things because of the no longer underwritten business in accident insurance with guaranteed premium repayment (UBR).
Allianz also at the top in terms of premium volume
According to the gross premiums booked – according to GDV 2019, these amounted to 6.66 billion euros across the industry (plus 1.8 percent) – the order is somewhat different. It is true that Allianz (with over 1.3 billion euros) ended up at the top here too.
In second and third place are Ergo with almost 605 million euros and R + V with around 415 million euros – each one position better than according to contracts. It is followed by Generali Germany, one place worse than according to contracts, with around 410 million euros. In fifth place, Debeka comes off three positions worse than according to contracts.
In sixth to eighth place are the Signal Iduna (seventh according to policies), the Axa Insurance AG (13th place according to contracts) and the LVM Agricultural Insurance Association Münster aG (Position twelve after contracts). The premium income from these providers is between almost 300 million euros and a good 200 million euros.
Debeka with the greatest premium growth
Among the market participants with the highest premium income, Debeka grew the most after Generali. The increase was again (February 6, 2020) around five percent
Otherwise only the LVM grew more than twice as fast as the market. Allianz and R + V grew by almost three percent each. Signal Iduna had a below-average rate of increase. The premium income at Ergo and Axa was reduced by around two percent each.
The “Industry Monitor 2014-2019: Accident Insurance” contains numerous other key figures on the insurance branch as well as data for analyzing existing customers. The approximately 100-page study can be ordered as a PDF version for 783 euros including VAT from Clemens Wilde by email or by phone at 0341 24659265.
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