Home » today » News » These are the key points of Biden’s intervention during the UN General Assembly in New York | Your Political City New York

These are the key points of Biden’s intervention during the UN General Assembly in New York | Your Political City New York

there is a lot of information,happening at the political level andlocal.appeared before the nationsunited to ask the worldto act against the coronavirusand also the emergencysciatica and abuses againsthuman rights, forknow a little more about thesedetails we connect fromimmediate with our partnerHéctor Javier Solano.glad to greet you at theunited nations headquarters, byfirst time the president seled a general assemblyof that international organizationturned.I mentioned that the United Statesis committed tobilateral arguments and withall the nations of thehemisphere, all nationsof the planet, but alsoI was raising adifference with its predecessordonald trump, ha tenido laaérica slogan first andhe says … a situation thatmany are very happyblocks of countries, Europeans whothey are very upset by tworeasons, 1 1 negotiation thatthe united kingdom had displacedto France in a negotiation ofpurchase of submarine fromAustralia, otherwise theblock of countries is veryannoyed at having gone outhastily preferring toits people … let’s talk about twoimportant issues and whatmentioned, one has to seewith the pandemic ofcoronavirus, they have said it isan effort you have to makethe entire international community.is committed to duplicatingeconomic efforts andpromote that the Senate and thecongress approve the fundsto give more doses of the vaccineof the coronavirus in the fightto end the pandemic,but it is also a call tothe entire international communityto meet around thepolicies of climate changeand eliminate all emissionspollutants in commitmentsshort and medium term, thepresident joe biden goes tolead a series of meetingsadvance urgent measures …statements made by thepresident and like othersarea presidentsLatin America to tell you andthe last elements ofunited nations, this is itfor my part from the series oftake it.

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