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These are the gifts they made to the councilors in 2020


The masks, the typical products of the ‘terreta’, from the wine to the persimmons, and the books lead the list of gifts to the members of the Valencian government in 2020, without forgetting the Christmas gifts for these atypical parties.

At the office of Ximo Puig, ‘president’ of the Generalitat, packages such as a picture of the Altamira bison have arrived from the government of Cantabria, the book ‘Va de bo!’ to learn Valencian from the Fundació Rolser or a ‘Valencianity kit’ with an apron with denominations of origin of the Region.

But drink and food are the ones that are repeated the most in the ‘GVA Oberta’ transparency portal: from aromatic and sparkling wines, the stately rice bag, persimmon beers, dry anise and artichoke preserves and grilled chaplain who received Puig with mandarin liqueur or a liter of horchata with fartons and muffins for the Minister of Territorial Policy, Arcadi Spain.

The ‘honorable molt’ has opened presents such as an apron from the Cavalcada de la Ceràmica, a plate and a cup of coffee made with recycled coffee, the sculpture ‘Peces’ by Antoni Marí a ‘bashaquera’ pierced (Valencian ceramics from the 19th century) from José Gimeno or a painting with original tiles from the Explanada de España de Alicante.

He also returned loaded from his institutional trip to Morocco in February with gifts such as a leather box with stationery from the Minister of Foreign Affairs, a decorative silver plate from the president of Casablanca or a handmade silver bronze tray from the minister. trade.

Among the books they have sent to Puig are ‘Radiography of an Unwanted Election. 10 notes on the 10N ‘(Francisco Camas and José Pablo Ferrandis),’ Of what pain are your eyes ‘(Noah Higón) or’ The last of the Valencians ‘(Guillermo Colomer), although most come from municipalities such as’ History of Villena from Prehistory to the XVIII ‘(José Mª Soler).

They have also given him the encyclical letter ‘Fratelli Tutti’ of Pope Francis on fraternity, an analysis on the future of the transfers ‘or the essays’ The coalition against the pandemic. Political chronicle of the year that changed history ‘(María Llapart and José Enrique Monrosi) and’ The 2018-2020 socialist biennium ‘(Felipe Guardiola and Enrique Linde Paniagua).


Some of the most curious gifts are those of Mónica Oltra, vice president and head of Equality: a T-shirt with the slogan ‘I am news’, a painting with the mouth and another cross-stitch, a key hanger, a candle or a glass tray with natural soaps.

The also government spokeswoman has received books such as ‘A future without unions?’ (Unai Sordo), ‘The battle for the Valencian health care’ (Sergi Campillo), ‘Governing with the right’ (Nuria Verdet), ‘My friends the silkworms’ (Javier and Ana Caravaca),’ Nosaltres som el València. Futbol, ​​Poder i Identitats ‘(Vicent Flor) or’ El Crispavirus. Chronicle of the conspiracy ‘by Ernesto Ekaizer.

Throughout the year there are gifts such as a square ceramic inkwell for the Minister of Universal Health, Ana Barceló; a ludo for Education, Vicent Marzà; a Zen garden for Justice, Gabriela Bravo, or ONCE sunglasses for Transparency, Rosa Pérez Garijo.

They have also given a backpack to the Sustainable Economy, Rafa Climent; a hand-painted silk scarf exclusively designed for Innovación, Carolina Pascual; cork oak plantings for Agriculture, Mireia Mollà, or a road map for Mobility, Arcadi Spain.

And among the products that are not lacking on the table these days, the children of various centers for minors have given Oltra Christmas baskets with handmade items, while the Minister of Finance, Vicent Soler, has received a marzipan tasting, Barceló six beers of nougat and Dalmau a box of almond cakes and presents like a Chinese calendar and a cigar.

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