Since last September 2 of the previous year, when the crime was perpetrated against a Police patrol in Neiva, the institution, in coordination with the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation, began the identification and search of those responsible, with intelligence work in Caloto and Miranda (Cauca) and Planadas and Río Blanco (Tolima), which culminated in the La Paila-Armenia road, in the La Herradura sector, jurisdiction of the municipality of La Tebaida (Quindío), when policemen attached to the Sectional of Transit and Transportation immobilized a van in which three men and a woman were moving.
The person involved was identified as, alias ‘Juliana’ or ‘Tatiana’, who, according to the evidence, would be the material author of the criminal attack that took the lives of the mayors Wilson Jair Cuéllar Losada and Luis Alberto Sabi Gutiérrez, the patrolmen Duverney Carreño Rodríguez and Jhon Fredy Bautista Vargas and assistants Santiago Gómez Endes, Cristian Ricardo Cubillos Borbón and Arles Mauricio Pascuas Figueroa.
Among the three men arrested was the dissident known as alias, ‘La Bestia’, ‘Mula’ or ‘Mauricio’, top leader of the substructure ‘Ismael Ruiz’ of the Farc dissidents, who committed crimes in the area where he was registered. the attack, as in the department of Tolima.
The four detainees were sheltered with an insurance measure for the alleged commission of the crime of illegal carrying of weapons. Additionally, ‘La Bestia’ must also answer for aggravated criminal conspiracy, and ‘Juliana’, for aggravated homicide and aggravated criminal conspiracy.
With the capture of these four people, not only is the criminal attack against the institution clarified, but also organized crime in Tolima, Huila and Quindío is hit, strengthening security in these territories.
“The forceful action against this Residual Organized Armed Group was the result of the harmonious articulation between the different specialties of the institution,” said the director general of the National Police, General William René Salamanca Ramírez.