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These are the 10 most boring sights in the world

Getting bored every now and then is normal. However, most people would prefer to avoid this feeling when on vacation. Nevertheless, not all tourist attractions provide exciting moments. So that you know which stops you can skip on your next trip, we present to you the ten most boring sights in the world.

Sometimes at home, sometimes at work: most people get bored every now and then. And even on vacation it can get boring, because not every stop on a travel route leads to life-changing events. Some places and activities are so uninteresting that word spreads worldwide.

To avoid them, you can at least research them in advance on the Internet. This also applies to sights. Reviews and experience reports quickly give a reliable impression of how exciting a visit will be.

These are the most boring sights in the world

Two tech entrepreneurs from the USA recently took the trouble to analyze 66.7 million Google reviews on 3,290 popular tourist attractions worldwide in 384 cities and 71 countries. They focused on eleven key words that indicate tiring, lifeless and downright boring impressions.

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They then ranked each destination by the frequency with which boredom-related keywords were mentioned and compared them to the total number of reviews for each location. This resulted in a score of zero to five. In the following ranking we show you the ten most boring sights in the world.

Platz 10: Legoland Discovery Centre Toronto, Kanada

Tenth place in the ranking of the most boring attractions in the world goes to the Legoland Discovery Center in Toronto. It received one Score of 2.80 from 4,347 reviews. User Jordan Aslett described his visit as sad and unpleasant in his Google review. “This place is a complete waste of money, time and petrochemicals. We spent an hour here with our two children and I’m amazed we stayed that long. […] Lego should be ashamed of themselves,” he wrote, giving it one star.

Platz 10: Legoland Discovery Centre Toronto, Kanada. (Foto: CC0/Raysonho @ Open Grid Scheduler / Grid Engine)

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