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These are some YouTube channels to learn English: this is how they teach

Currently The need to know a second language has become vital when seeking both academic and work opportunities..

English, being classified as ‘the universal language’ It would be the language that most universities and even jobs require of their applicants.

This language has become an essential part of being human in order to develop in the fields mentioned above as a consequence of the globalized world.

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For this reason, At W Radio we tell you about some YouTube channels that teach English.

BBC Learn English

  • Preply It is “an online language learning platform with the largest selection of language teachers in the world” and there, they were in charge of making a list with prominent channels in this areawhere they placed BBC.
  • Each day they have a different agenda based on a skill to learn English.
  • He is part of the renowned BBC media.

Learn American English

  • This man uses YouTube to teach the language using different methods. “I have several years of experience as a teacher in South America, the United States and Southeast Asia,” he explains.

Alejo Lopera English

  • This Colombian man, who has a degree in languages ​​and is a communicator, uses this YouTube channel to bring people different ways to learn English.

English Friends

This channel is made up of a man and a woman who, among other things, aims to “helping students who had trouble communicating in English despite years of school classes.”

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