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These are some of the secrets of content creators that open up investment opportunities to make more money

WARTAKOTALIVE.COM, JAKARTA – Everyone definitely wants success from what he is doing. However, the definition of success from one generation to another has a different meaning.

Several years ago, working in a prestigious place with a high salary was an achievement to be very proud of.

After social media boomed, the profession as a content creator began to become the dream of the younger generation, especially Gen-Z.

At least 64 percent of Gen-Z respondents from Instagram’s Latest Trend Report 2023 study show an interest in monetizing their personal branding social media accounts as influencers.

From a survey conducted by Adobe in 2022 on Tiktok and Instagram content creators in the United States, they earn US$81 per hour, which can be converted into an annual income of US$162,000 or the equivalent of Rp. 2.4 billion.

Content creators are known as creative individuals who can package their lives in an interesting way on social media so that they become the dreams of their followers.

How could they not, they can do the things they enjoy, such as their hobbies and interests in certain fields, for a lucrative fee.

So, are you curious about the secrets of content creators in managing their income and financial condition?

Let’s see the secret of #BukaPluang from script writer Jenny Jusuf, entrepreneur and runner Rino Soedarjo and car vlogger Johnnathan Salim.

Jenny Jusuf, who is a content creator who is also a famous film script writer, shared his story about how financial relationships affect the smallest areas of life.

According to him, financial empowerment greatly impacts all aspects of our lives, including relationships with our families and the people around us.

Assemble building Wealth, spending happily from the investment returns later

According to Jenny, we have only two relationships with money, investing and spending money on the things we want.

He mentioned that accumulating wealth assets was not a pleasant process, one might even say it was boring.

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