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These are six habits that can accumulate fat in the stomach

PANGKALPINANG, www.wowbabel.com –Everyone has belly fat. Not only fat people, thin people can have the same problem. This problem can be a serious thing, especially for appearance issues, especially women. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people are vying to lose fat in their stomachs, so that their stomachs can be slimmer and their appearance becomes more attractive.

However, what exactly causes the accumulation of fat in the abdomen? Abdominal fat or also known as visceral fat is fat that accumulates in the space between body organs, such as the stomach, liver, and intestines. This fat works in protecting the vital organs in the stomach.

Keep in mind, too much visceral fat accumulation is actually not good for health. The reason is that visceral fat can produce toxins that can affect the way the body works, namely cytokine compounds. Excessive release of cytokines can increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer (cancer of the colon, esophagus, and pancreas). Some of these things can certainly be the cause of someone having excess belly fat.

Then, what are the habits that can accumulate fat in the stomach? Below are things you can know:

1. Obesity

The amount of fat that accumulates in the stomach is caused by being overweight or obese. The greater a person’s weight, the more fat will accumulate in the stomach.

For your information, excess weight is caused by more calories entering the body than calories out. If you really like to eat, balance it by doing physical activity such as light exercise. By doing that, at least you can minimize the accumulation of fat in the stomach.

2. Genetics

Genetic factors can also be one of the reasons a person accumulates more fat on their stomach. Genes that regulate cortisol and leptin, which regulate calorie intake and body weight, may be responsible for fat storage in the body. So, it’s not just a matter of obesity or lack of activity.

3. Lack of Physical Activity

Know if every calorie in must be balanced with calories out, if you really want to have a proportional or normal weight. What if more calories in than out? The answer, of course, a person’s weight will go up.

One of the factors that cause this to happen is lack of physical activity. A study found that women who watched TV for more than three hours per day were said to have a greater risk of obesity and had a larger stomach when compared to women who watched less than one hour of TV per day.

4. Menopause

The older a person is, the less muscle mass and the more fat in the body, especially belly fat. Reduced muscle mass will make a person’s body burn fewer calories, so it will be much more difficult to maintain his weight. This could be one of the main reasons why older people gain weight more easily.

On the other hand, the decrease in the hormone estrogen when entering menopause can also affect the distribution of fat in the body. Estrogen levels that drop dramatically during menopause can cause fat to be stored more in the abdomen, not in the hips or thighs. In addition to genetic factors, some women may have more belly fat due to menopause.

5. Lack of Sleep

Don’t take sleep for granted. Because apparently lack of sleep can cause a person’s risk of having excess weight. Therefore, it is not impossible if he will have more fat deposits in the abdomen.

In addition to lack of sleep, sleep disorders such as sleep apnea are also said to be another cause of someone having more belly fat. So, sleep with sufficient time, at least 7-8 hours a day.

6. Consumption of Unhealthy Foods

Dietary factors apparently can affect fat deposits in a person’s stomach. If you eat a lot of foods that are high in sugar and fat content, especially trans fats, this can actually cause more belly fat to accumulate.

Not only that, if the daily intake of protein and fiber is low, it can also cause fat accumulation in the stomach and obesity.

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