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These are signs of kidney cancer … including blood in the urine

Kidney cancer It starts when there is growth in healthy cells in one or both kidneys and out of control and forms a mass called a tumor, and renal cell cancer is the most common type of kidney cancer in adults, according to the site. uclahealth.

Kidney cancer symptoms

The risk of kidney cancer is higher in men than in women, and when the kidney tumors are small, they rarely cause clear signs or symptoms in their early stages, and when the tumors are large or in very advanced stages, the following symptoms may occur:

Blood in the urine.

A bump in the abdomen.

Unexpected loss of appetite or weight loss.

– Anemia.


Kidney cancer risk factors

Studies have shown that some lifestyle factors, environment and genetics increase the risk of kidney tumors.

Although we do not know all the causes of kidney cancer, the following factors may increase the risk of this disease:

Age: The risk of kidney cancer increases significantly with age with the highest incidence between 55 and 84 years.

Like men, women are twice as likely to develop kidney cancer.

Smoking, smokers are at greater risk than non-smokers to develop kidney cancer.

Obesity: Studies have found a strong link between overweight and kidney cancer.

High blood pressure increases the risk of kidney cancer.

Kidney disease and dialysis, people who receive long-term dialysis to treat chronic kidney disease are more likely to develop kidney cancer.

Genetics: There are more than 10 genetic conditions that can increase your risk of developing kidney cancer.

Kidney cancer treatment

There are different treatment options for kidney cancer, including:

– Surgical treatments (surgery and robotic surgery).

Removal of the tumor.


Targeted therapy.

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