Due to the upcoming Easter, many Catholics will join the sacrament of confession during Lent. Wondering what you should confess to? Check the list of sins that you should definitely confess to a priest.
Interestingly, the so-called “list of new sins” is not something that has simply been published or added to the “list” of sins by the Catholic Church in recent years. The point is simply that with technological change and progress, we should begin to interpret our particular behaviors as new sins.
PENITENT (person confessing): Praise be to Jesus Christ.
PRIEST: For ever and ever. Amen
The PENITENT, making the Sign of the Cross, says: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The priest will make the sign of the cross and encourage you to trust in God’s mercy, for example, he can do so with the words:
PRIEST: May God be in your heart, that you, repentant in spirit, confess your sins.
PENITENT: Beginning the confession of sins:
The last time I went to confession was: a week, a month, years ago…..
I have fulfilled my penance.
I have offended God with the following sins: I enumerate these sins, and for serious ones I give the number and circumstances. At the end, say: I do not remember any more sins, I am heartily sorry for all of them, I decide to improve, I am asking for science, penance and absolution.
The priest then invites the penitent to show remorse
PENITENT: God, be merciful to me, a sinner (Luke 18:13).
When giving absolution, the priest says the words –
PRIEST: God the Father of Mercy, who reconciled the world to himself through the death and resurrection of his Son and sent the Holy Spirit for the forgiveness of sins, grant you forgiveness and peace through the service of the Church. And I forgive you your sins, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
After giving absolution and penance, the priest addresses you with the following words:
PRIEST: Let us praise the Lord, for he is good.
PENITENT: And his mercy endures forever
PRIEST: The Lord has forgiven you your sins. Go in peace.
PENITENT: God bless you.
The priest knocks on the confessional.
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2023-04-24 12:06:39
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