TRIBUNNEWSBOGOR.COM – There are some foods that can actually reduce side effects Covid-19 vaccine and improve immune system.
Then, what foods are good to eat after the vaccine?
As known, Covid-19 vaccination often cause side effects mild symptoms, such as sore injection marks, sore arms, or fever.
Launching from Eating Well, to reduce these side effects, doctors recommend that people who have been vaccinated need to eat highly nutritious foods and consume Vitamin C.
Also read: The Benefits of the Covid-19 Vaccine for Children 12 Years Old and Over, Only Mild Exposure
Although there has been no comprehensive research on the relationship between food and vaccine effectiveness, experts recommend eating nutritious foods and meeting vitamin C intake.
Vitamin C has been shown to increase immune system.
In addition, eating whole foods, such as fruits and vegetables, will help the immune system to work properly.
Thus, the inflammation that occurs in the body will be resolved.
Experts also emphasize reducing foods that can cause inflammation before and after getting the vaccine.
As for some foods that are not recommended for consumption are junk food.
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