When someone feels joy and happiness, others can feel it. The feeling of joy is what many of us seek to achieve in life because it constitutes a state of well-being, happiness and tranquility.
Cheerful people can be detected even a kilometer away, as their energy is different from people who feel that life is trying to drain them and that everything is difficult.
According to a report published by HackSpirit, there are 8 characteristics that distinguish cheerful people that can be acquired, as follows:
1. Don’t complain
Cheerful people don’t spend their time complaining, as they know they are spreading negative energy around them.
So instead of complaining and looking for the negatives in life, happy people try to find the positives. Looking for the good in a situation, even in the face of adversity, the truth is, they can actually see it.
It is believed that this is largely why so many people enjoy spending time with cheerleaders.
Happiness Emoji – iStock
2. Express gratitude
Happy people are grateful from the bottom of their hearts for the simplest and smallest things in their lives.
They are grateful for a cup of coffee in the morning, a pair of socks to keep their feet warm, and the sun on their face. They are infinitely grateful! And the gratitude that joyful people feel is very real and not contrived.
3. The permanent smile
Cheerful people smile a lot sincerely and warmly.
Cheerful people start their day with a smile and smile at people as they go about their business.
Smiling is a contagious trait as the smile of cheerful people makes others smile which also makes them feel reassured and happy.

Happiness Emoji – iStock
4. They live in the moment
Happy people live in the present moment, meaning they don’t try to escape from the present moment.
They are also really happy to be in the present moment, and happy people can find good in the present, even if they fundamentally want things in their life to be different.
5. Accept facts and circumstances
Cheerful people are characterized by accepting and accepting of their circumstances and the circumstances of others around them and situations that they cannot control.
They know there’s no point in focusing on the things they can’t change.
In other words, happy people accept what happened in the past and are at peace with their decisions. They realize there’s no point in worrying or complaining about things they can’t do anything about.

Happiness Emoji – iStock
6. Find the best in others
Cheerful people look for the good and the positive in others.
Simply put, happy people don’t try to find fault with someone else. Instead, they find what they like and what is worth celebrating about another person.
Sure, there are exceptions when people are completely mean and selfish, but, for the most part, happy people manage to find something positive in each other. A cheerful person is more likely to point out something positive in another person than someone who is pessimistic or angry and sees only the negative in themselves and others.
7. Empathize with others
A happier person often has a greater sense of empathy for others.
And when someone is cheerful, they don’t spend their time thinking about how miserable or unfortunate their life is or how miserable they are, rather they feel good about life and about themselves and therefore have more to give to others.
Empathy can be just small acts of kindness, like making someone a cup of tea or sending someone a nice text message to say they appreciate and are proud of their talents or actions.

Happiness Emoji – iStock
8. Take care of yourself
Happy people are devoid of negative things like gossiping about others, finding fault with coworkers, or plotting to harm others. Happy people spend their time taking care of themselves and advancing.
Happy people take care of themselves every day, from the moment they wake up in the morning to the moment they go to bed.
They prioritize correcting their minds or clearing any negative thoughts to improve their mental and physical condition. Happy people understand the importance of doing things that make them feel good so they can be the best they can be.