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These are 7 animals that have been to space throughout history


History records that there are a number of animals that have been to space. DOC’s photo

JAKARTA – History records that there were a number animal to whom it was space . Usually these animals become objects she studies for scientist .

In his story, not only humans can go into space. However, other creatures such as animals have also been transported there.

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Reporting from the Discover Wildlife page, Friday (12/16/2022), here is a handful of animals that have been to space.

1. Flies

A fruit fly is said to be the first animal in space. Launched in 1947, at that time American scientists were known to conduct a cosmic radiation impact test.

In this case, they chose flies because they are genetically similar to humans. In its continuation, this fly experiment became the beginning of many other animals that astronauts would study in the future.

2. Monkey

In its history, there are a number of monkeys that have been to space. First, the type of rhesus monkey named Albert II. In 1949 he traveled 134 km, but died of the impact on the way back into the Earth’s atmosphere.

Also, a great ape named Ham was launched by NASA on January 31, 1961. Unlike Albert, he survived and returned to Earth.

3. Mice

In its development, mice are often the subject of research by scientists. Not only being in a laboratory, a mouse was also launched into space in 1950.

Unfortunately, the rat had to die after the rocket he was on was destroyed due to a parachute failure.

4. Dogs

The next animal that has been to space is a dog. Around 1957, a dog named Laika from Moscow was found suitable as a study object.
Although other dogs have previously been launched into space, Laika is notable as the first to orbit the earth. Unfortunately, he never came back.

In this case, the government of the Soviet Union at that time claimed that Laika lasted only 7 days. Later it was discovered that he died just 5 hours into the flight due to overheating.

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5. Kura-Kura

In 1968, the Soviet Union and the United States competed to land a man on the moon. The Soviets dropped a Zond 5 aircraft and brought in a number of items including turtles.

Finally, this turtle went around the moon. After 6 days, he returned safely to earth.

6. Frog

One of the best-known frog launches occurred in 1970. At the time, NASA flew the Orbiting Frog Olotith aircraft containing two frogs.

The purpose of the mission is to investigate the effects of space travel when motion sickness. The frog is implanted with electrodes and a vestibular system for its appendages.

As a result, the study found that after 6 days the frog was able to adapt and return its vestibular system to normal.

7. Two by two

In 1973, two garden spiders were tested in space. The researchers wanted to see if they could get the net out there.

Eventually, the spider is still able to weave the web. It’s just that the structure is more subtle than what they emit on earth.

This is a review of a number of animals that have been in space throughout their history. Hopefully useful and may add to your insight.


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