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These are 10 Healthy Foods to Lower Blood Sugar Levels » JOGLOSEMAR NEWS

Illustration of diabetic blood sugar check. pexels

JOGLOSEMARNEWS.COM – Choose food and drink intake for sufferers diabetes is very important.

The reason is, there are foods that should be consumed and there are also foods that should be avoided for sufferers diabetes.

Then what are the foods that should be consumed for sufferers? diabetes? These are the 10 recommended types of food from Dr Ganesh Kadhe that can ensure the patient’s blood sugar levels diabetes always awake, as reported by Republika.co.id.


Black beans or chickpeas are low glycemic index foods. This means their carbohydrates are gradually released and hence they are less likely to cause spikes in blood sugar.

These foods are so beneficial that a recent study found that eating a cup of nuts daily for three months as part of a low-glycemic diet lowered HbA1c (hemoglobin A1c) levels by half a percentage point.


Apples are also a low glycemic food. Foods that are low or moderate on the glycemic index are one way to manage blood sugar levels. Eating apples every day has the benefit of them being high in fiber, vitamin C and fat free. Not to mention a portable and easy snack option.

Almond nut

These crunchy nuts are rich in magnesium, a mineral that helps the body use its own insulin more effectively. Try adding more almonds to your diet for a daily dose of this blood sugar balancing mineral. Almonds are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, protein and fiber which make them a great way to help manage blood glucose levels.


This leafy green has just 21 calories per cup cooked and is loaded with magnesium and blood sugar-friendly fiber. In addition, you can enjoy raw spinach and stir-fried with olive oil.

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