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These 6 Trivial Habits Turns Out to Make Mr P Quickly Sluggish


The penis is a very important organ for men, therefore it needs to be maintained properly. Some habits carried out by a number of men can actually hurt and even reduce the quality of the penis.

The habit in question may seem not directly related to the penis. However, the effects of these habits are in fact bad for penis health.

Quoted from Men’s Health, many studies have found some habits that can worsen penis health. Some of these habits include:



1. Lack of exercise

According to research from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, men who spend more time exercising have better erectile and sexual function. That means exercise is very important for penis health.

Not only that, the study involving about 300 men found that men who spent about 2 hours for vigorous exercise, 3.5 hours for moderate exercise, or 6 hours for light exercise in one week had better sexual function. In contrast, men who are less active in sports have poor sexual function.

2. Smoking

A study published in the British Journal of Urology involved 65 men who experimented with smoking cessation for 8 weeks, and were tested for their erectile strength during the program. As many as 20 percent of the total participants admitted to having erectile dysfunction.

The result, 75 percent of them still maintain not to smoke. This is because they get good effects from the program, such as having a firmer erection, having a burning sexual desire, and their erectile dysfunction slowly improving.

3. Less Sex

A 2008 study published in The American Journal of Medicine concluded that there is a link between the frequency of sex with the level of risk of erectile dysfunction. The researchers found that the more often a man has sexual intercourse, the less likely he is to experience erectile dysfunction.

The study, which lasted for five years, involved 989 men with an age range of 55-75 years. A total of 79 cases of erectile dysfunction per 1,000 cases were found in those who had sex less than once a week. Meanwhile, those who had sex at least once a week found only 32 cases of erectile dysfunction per 1,000 cases.

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