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These 6 Healthy Foods Can Make Your Teeth Naturally White and Strong!

Sonora.ID – Instead of spending money on expensive dental treatments, try eating a few selected foods.

That maintaining dental health is very important. Do not let you have started experiencing tooth decay that interferes with your health and appearance at a young age.

While brushing and flossing twice a day are basic steps to maintaining oral health, the foods you eat can also help keep your teeth shiny and strong.

Below are some foods that make your teeth white naturally and strong:

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  1. Cheese

Cheese not only contains calcium, which strengthens bones, but can also whiten teeth. This fact is due to the calcium and phosphate content in cheese. This mineral can reduce acidity in the mouth and make teeth stronger. Cheese has been noted to raise the pH level to above 5.5, thereby reducing the risk of tooth decay.

  1. Cucumber

Cucumber is often served as a complement to homemade vegetables. In addition to being used as fresh vegetables, cucumbers have fiber that can help stimulate the gums and teeth. consuming cucumber juice can also be beneficial for people with pylorrhoea, and can minimize infections that occur in the gums around the teeth.

  1. Yogurt

Yogurt made from fermented milk has a very high content of calcium and protein. The protein in yogurt can bind to the teeth and prevent them from attacking the harmful acids that cause cavities. In addition, the benefits of yogurt are that it contains several important nutrients for maintaining bone health, including calcium, protein, potassium, phosphorus, and sometimes vitamin D.

  1. Strawberry

Not only delicious, strawberries are rich in antioxidants and polyphenic so it has many health benefits. Strawberries are packed with vitamins and minerals like vitamins C and K, folate, potassium, manganese and magnesium. This red fruit contains malic acid which can gently whiten without damaging the teeth.

  1. Call

The high fiber in apples is able to erode bacteria in the mouth and teeth area. Chewing apples is known to reduce plaque on teeth and stimulate saliva production – this is what makes it a good bad breath fruit. Apples also act as a natural toothbrush, and can help remove plaque and tartar.

  1. Celery

Celery itself is a healthy vegetable. Celery also has many benefits for the body, one of which can also maintain healthy teeth and mouth. And can help reduce bacteria in the mouth while removing plaque on the teeth. If chewed well, celery will clean the grooves between your teeth of food particles.

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