Home » today » Technology » These 5 zodiac signs have no problem getting along well with their exes: Aquarius doesn’t want to lose

These 5 zodiac signs have no problem getting along well with their exes: Aquarius doesn’t want to lose

TRIBUN-BALI.COM – 5 zodiac signs that are known to be good friends with their exes, there are Sagittarius who don’t hold grudges, while Libra can be mature.

When having an affair, of course, you must be prepared for the risk that is accepted, namely breaking up.

Because if the relationship can no longer be maintained, then the decision to separate is very natural.

Breaking up is also a part of life that teaches you to grow up.

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Because it is not easy to remain good friends with an ex.

Especially if you see her ex on a date with someone else, it can be very painful.

However, that does not apply to these zodiac signs.

They have no problem if they have to be friends with their exes.

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1. Sagittarius

The owner of the Sagittarius zodiac is known for his light-hearted and fun-seeking persona.

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