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These 4 Strange Theories of Stephen Hawking That Are Believed to be True

Richard Ovenden, Stephen Hawking (Tengah) dan Sir David Attenborough. (The Bodleian Libraries/John Cairns)

Hitekno.com – Stephen Hawking, physicist theory which is considered the largest and most popular in modern times.

This man is considered to work as the intellectual spearhead of physics. In addition, his theory was often considered strange at the time he formulated it.

However, theory-The theory is slowly being accepted by the scientific community thanks to new supporting evidence emerging all the time.

Reported from Space.com, Monday (2/8/2021), starting from his views on black hole to the very beginning of the universe.

Here are four Stephen Hawking’s theory which was considered strange but is now beginning to be recognized as true:

1. Theory Big Bang

Hawking’s Big Bang theory competes with other cosmological theories, namely the Steady State.

Both theories accept that the universe is expanding, but Stephen Hawking’s theory says it expanded from an ultra-compact, super-dense state at a finite time in the past.

Another theory assumes the universe has been expanding forever, with new matter constantly being created to maintain a constant density.

In his thesis, Hawking showed that the Steady State theory is mathematically self-contradictory.

Instead, he argues that the universe began as a very small, dense point called a singularity.

The Big Bang theory described by Hawking is almost universally accepted among scientists.

2. Black holes are real

Lubang Hitam. (NASA/Event Horizon Telescope collaboration et al.)

Hawking’s name is also often associated with black holes, another type of singularity, which form when a star collapses under its own gravity.

This mathematical curiosity arose from Einstein’s general theory of relativity.

According to an article in Nature, his genius was to combine Einstein’s equations with the equations of quantum mechanics.

Turning what was previously a theoretical abstraction into something that seems to actually exist in the universe.

Evidence for Hawking’s theory of the existence of black holes emerged in 2019, when the Event Horizon Telescope obtained live images of the supermassive black hole, hiding at the center of the giant galaxy Messier 87.

3. Hawking radiation

Black holes get their name because their gravity is so strong that photons or light particles shouldn’t be able to escape from them.

However, he realized that some of these photons would appear to be emitting from a black hole.

Now, it is referred to as Hawking radiation, the theory was recently confirmed in laboratory experiments at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology.

Experts use acoustic analogs, a “sonic black hole” from which sound waves cannot escape.

They detected Hawking radiation which was exactly what physicists predicted.

4. The area theorem of black holes

In classical physics, the entropy or disorder of a system can only increase with time, never decrease.

Together with Jacob Bekenstein, Hawking proposed that the entropy of a black hole is measured by the surface area of ​​the surrounding event horizon.

The recent discovery of gravitational waves emitted by the merging of black hole pairs shows that Stephen Hawking’s theory is correct.

Even so, on the other hand there are still some of Hawking’s theories that are currently unproven.

Stephen Hawking’s theories include information paradoxes, ancient black holes, multiverses, alleged protection of chronology, and doomsday predictions. (Suara.com/ Lintang Siltya Utami)

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