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These 4 Herbal Ingredients Can Help Relieve Coughs Due to Covid-19

RIAUONLINE – Almost all variants of COVID-19 cause coughing symptoms. One of the efforts to symptomatic therapy for coughs caused by the COVID-19 virus is to consume herbal ingredients.

Symptomatic therapy can be done to overcome temporary complaints because the focus is on treating according to the existing symptoms. This is in line with the government’s recommendations in dealing with the Omicron wave, which has high transmission but low severity, namely by calling for self-isolation discipline and taking vitamins and if there are mild symptoms, take medication according to symptoms.

As stated by the Chairperson of the Indonesian Traditional Medicine and Herbal Medicine Development Doctor Association (PDPOTJI), Dr. (Cand.) dr. Inggrid Tania, M.Si (Herbals), symptomatic therapy for cough aims to relieve the airway.

“According to government recommendations, herbs such as ginger, lime, kencur, mint leaves are effective in relieving coughs and clearing the throat because they have antitussive properties (relieves and suppresses coughs) and work as expectorants that help remove phlegm from the lungs,” he said at a media conference. virtual OB Herbal – Effectiveness of Cough Symptomatic Therapy from Herbal Ingredients, written Saturday (25/2/2022).

Efficacy of herbal ingredients

Ingrid said that symptomatic therapy for coughs is not only suppressing the cough reflex or reducing the frequency of coughing. Expectorants in herbal medicines, for example, also stimulate the airway mucosa to secrete mucus. As well as mucolytics that destroy the structure of phlegm so that it is easier to expel.

“Unlike herbal medicines, non-herbal medicines have side effects such as drowsiness, dizziness, digestive disorders such as nausea, vomiting, constipation and rhinorrhea and bronchospasm. While herbal medicines have minimal side effects and each type of ingredient actually has properties that can increase immunity,” he explained. .

Some herbs such as ginger, kencur, oranges have anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe the throat and lower respiratory tract due to coughing. In addition, this herb is also claimed to have antibacterial and antiviral properties.

“Herbal cough medicine with a mixture of native Indonesian herbs is also safe and useful as a complementary therapy for COVID-19, especially during mild COVID-19 self-isolation. And immediately consult a doctor if cough complaints have not subsided within 3 days,” he concluded.

This article has been published on Liputan6.com

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