BANGKAPOS.COM – Stroke is a condition that occurs when the blood supply to the brain decreases due to a blockage (ischemic stroke) or rupture of a blood vessel (hemorrhagic stroke).
Without blood, the brain will not get oxygen and nutrients, so the cells in the affected brain area will soon die.
Launch, stroke is a medical emergency because brain cells can die in just a matter of minutes.
The death of brain cells causes the parts of the body that are controlled by the damaged brain area to not function properly.
Prompt treatment can minimize the level of damage to the brain and the possibility of complications.
Prevent stroke
risk stroke increases with age, but there are steps older adults can take to prevent it.
The main steps we must take to prevent stroke is by taking care eating patterns.
In addition to eating a balanced nutritious diet, we also need to avoid foods that can trigger strokes.
Also read: Want to Avoid Stroke? Try These 5 Tips
Here are foods that can trigger stroke: