Home » today » Health » These 3 Magical Foods To Relieve Uric Acid, Can Be Found In The Market

These 3 Magical Foods To Relieve Uric Acid, Can Be Found In The Market

LENGKONG, AYOBANDUNG.COM – Disease uric acid very disturbing daily activities because the body feels sore and achy.

But don’t panic, there are ingredients you can consume to relieve yourself uric acid which can be obtained easily in the market.

To fix this, you can use household ingredients that are known to be effective herbal remedies for overcoming uric acid. Anything?

1. Ginger

Ginger is one of the herbs that is believed to be able to reduce pain due to it uric acid. Other studies have also shown ginger can reduce levels uric acid inside the body.

The method is very easy. We only need to use 1 tablespoon of grated ginger which is boiled in enough water to boil.

After boiling, soak a washcloth in the boiled ginger water and place it on the sore area for 15-30 minutes at least once a day.

Apart from that, we can also drink 3 cups of ginger stew per day for treatment uric acid more leverage.

2. Call

A health website has stated that apples, which are commonly consumed as a diet for women, are also useful for treating uric acid.

Indeed, there is no research to support that apples can heal uric acid. However, eating one apple per day is very good for health and may be beneficial to overcome uric acid.

3. Bananas

Potassium-rich bananas are good enough to solve the problem uric acid while helping the body’s tissues and organs function properly.

Although there is no research that proves bananas can treat uric acid. Consumption of one banana every day is good enough for health.

This news is the result of collaboration between Ayo Media Network and Suara.com.

The content of the writing is outside the responsibility of Ayo Media Network.

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