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These 17 entities are flattening the curve of COVID-19 infections in Mexico, according to Health

17 states of the country show a downward trend in the last weeks of epidemiological surveillance, which has contributed to a decline in the COVID-19 pandemic, explained this Saturday José Luis Alomía, general director of Epidemiology.

The official remarked that until this Saturday, the complete data of 35 weeks of surveillance.

This is the progress that each entity has shown:

1. Campeche: the decline in the pandemic curve began in week 29 and was maintained despite having reached a plateau between weeks 33 and 34.

“Campeche is practically solving his first wave of infections“Alomía pointed out.

2. Coahuila: the reduction in its curve is more recent, since it was detected in weeks 34 and 35.

3. Chiapas: it is the entity with the most marked decline. This started between weeks 23 and 24 and continues to decline.

Alomía highlighted that the reduction is such that the curve is reaching the same level seen between weeks 15 and 16.

“It is one of the states whose hospital occupancy is one of the lowest, with an availability (of beds) greater than 90 percent“, he stressed.

4. State of Mexico: its first decrease was detected in week 24. It has continued with this trend diagonally

5. Morelos: The highest peak of the curve was located in week 24 and then began to fall until week 27. From week 32, the entity showed a slight decrease, but in weeks 34 and 35 was more marked.

6. Nayarit: the curve was rising until week 31 and since then it has maintained a reduction.

7. Oaxaca: the increase in its curve extended until week 24, although then it presented a new peak in week 28.

Alomía clarified that these spikes are normal since not all regions of an entity start their pandemics at the same time.

8. Puebla: It registered the highest peak of its curve between weeks 25 and 26, and then there was a fall between weeks 27 and 30, after which a regrowth was seen.

The reduction has been continuous since week 31.

9. Quintana Roo: The fall of its curve began from week 30, after which the appearance of a ‘plateau’ with a downward trend between weeks 33 and 35 was seen.

10. San Luis Potosí: Its curve accelerated between weeks 28 and 30, but subsequently began a downward trend that has remained e even sharpenedsaid the official.

11. Sinaloa: the decline began in week 24. After that period, the curve has registered ‘waves’ in its development, that is, staggered rises and falls.

However, the trend remains downward, Alomía said.

12. Sonora: the fall in the curve was seen in week 27 and continued until week 30, after which a ‘plateau’ arrived. After this phenomenon, the reduction has continued.

13. Tabasco: the curve began its descent after week 30.

14. Tamaulipas: the curve maintained a constant increase until weeks 29 and 30. After that peak, it descended until it entered a ‘plateau’ between 33 and 35.

15. Tlaxcala: the highest peak of its curve was seen in week 29, after which there was a fall, followed by a rise in week 31. However, after week 32 the trajectory is with a downward trend.

16. Veracruz: presents a case similar to that of Tlaxcala. The change of direction of its curve began in week 30. After week 32, the entity has seen that fall has slowed down.

17. Zacatecas: the highest peak of the curve reached week 32. Afterwards, a slight decrease was seen, reaching a ‘plateau’. Between weeks 34 and 35, the drop was more marked.

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