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Thermal cameras to end banned gatherings

Police officers across UK turn to new technique to find and end banned indoor gatherings.

Manchester police used the technology earlier this week after being alerted to a gathering of 200 people in a house.

The images captured from above by thermal cameras thus confirmed the presence of several individuals in the backyard and in the house in question.

By communicated, police say officers who intervened were shelled by projectiles as they tried to stop the rally.

When they succeeded, the police issued a statement of offense to the owner which prevents anyone not residing at this address from being in the house.

“The incident is completely unacceptable and incomprehensible,” said Jim Adams of Manchester Police. I understand this is a frustrating time, we all want to see our friends, but we have to continue to comply. ”

Mr. Adams further indicated that such interventions are only used as a last resort. He nevertheless indicated that this showed that the authorities were ready to intervene at any time if necessary.

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