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There’s a Strange Signal from Venus, Coming from a Volcanic Explosion?

Liputan6.com, Jakarta – A new study adds to the evidence that Venus may have an active volcano. If these findings are correct, they will help explain how volcanoes impact the planet’s evolution and its habitability.

This research focuses on a strange signal coming from a volcano on Venus, named Idunn Mons.

Scientists have long known that Venus is covered by several volcanoes. But it is impossible for scientists on Earth to know whether these mountains are still releasing lava because of Venus’s thick, foggy atmosphere.

Now, armed with archival observations from old orbiter missions and experimental work on Earth, a team of scientists made the case for Iduns Mons, which is 1.5 miles high and 125 miles wide, active for the past few thousand years. Possible mountain in Venus still erupting today.

In the next decade, a small mission squadron capable of detecting volcanic activity on the surface will travel to Venus.

Justin Filiberto, Branch Head of the Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science (ARES) Research Office at NASA’s Johnson Space Center, said it was likely that when the mission arrived on Venus it would find evidence of volcanic activity.

“I think we can write new information about Venus once this mission gets there. This mission will change the way we think about planetary evolution,” Filiberto said.

This is also considered to have major implications. Because, like Earth, Venus once had water as wide as the ocean, but now Venus is an arid desert with a dense, acidic atmosphere and a very hot surface.

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video-gallery--item__video-caption_read-video-article">NASA released a mission to Planet Venus which is thought to have a climate and sea like on Earth. NASA’s mission this time to take high-resolution images of the Planet Venus.

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