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There’s a hard lockdown, Blatny said. He is preparing a model for loosening and tightening

According to the model, each region will be assessed on a scale from zero to one hundred in terms of all monitored values. They will be color-coded on a five-point scale.

“The goal is maximum readability and predictability, and therefore it includes criteria that every citizen can evaluate. Our goal is for ordinary people to be able to work with this scoring system, ”said the Minister. Blatný wants to have the first variant by the beginning of next week.

More than 12,000 new cases of the disease increased in the Czech Republic on Tuesday. According to Blatný, the numbers for Monday and Tuesday were supposed to show how the epidemic is developing. “The numbers on Monday and Tuesday only tell us that the situation is not deteriorating,” Blatný told Czech television. “I would be careful to say that it is improving,” he added.

According to the minister, one of the first breakdowns will be the return of pupils to the first stages of primary schools. He did not specify when this could happen, but according to him, it is unlikely that it was within a week or ten days.

There’s a hard lockdown

Blatný said that he had a table drawn up, which correlates what measures are in individual countries and what measures are in the Czech Republic. “In my opinion, it shows that there is a relatively hard lockdown in the Czech Republic right now,” the minister said.

Politicians have not been able to agree on whether the so-called closure of the company is in fact already in place with the measures currently in force, or whether it is not a lockdown yet and may yet come.

Traffic light long forgotten

In the past, the tightening of measures was to be governed by so-called traffic lights, which also applied to individual regions. At that time, white, green, orange and red grades were determined and individual tightenings were determined for each. The traffic light was never completely completed and the measures were in fact never followed.

Former Minister of Health Roman Prymula then made it known that he had a plan in place to introduce specific measures to spread the disease for about six weeks in advance, but the number of infected people grew so fast that it could no longer be managed. Then he said he would present the plan when the situation calmed down.

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