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Therefore, you do not need to stock up on iodine tablets

Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine last week, pharmacies were sold for iodine tablets. Fire in a nuclear power plant in Ukraine on Friday means that the danger of radioactive emissions still are highly topical.

Now several of the pharmacies have had their stocks replenished, so that there are enough iodine tablets to cover the need, Landmark informs the Directorate for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety.

In addition, new suppliers have thrown themselves into the need, so that a new variant of the iodine tablet will be ready by the end of next week, according to Landmark.

– But what do you do if you still have not obtained iodine tablets?

– Then the most important advice is that you should not go out to buy tablets, but stay indoors, she says.

Cancer risk for those under 18

Landmark in the Directorate for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety says that the iodine tablets are by far the most important for those under 18 years of age.

This is something that has been seen after the Chernobyl accident, she says.

– The risk of thyroid cancer, after exposure to radioactive release, is greatest in that age group. This is why the municipalities have been given iodine tablets to schools and kindergartens, while everyone else has to buy their own.

CANCER RISK: Ingrid Landmark in DSA emphasizes that the cancer risk primarily applies to those under 18 years of age. Photo: DSA

For those between 18-40, iodine tablets are only relevant in the event of a really big accident, according to Landmark.

Those under 18 will not notice side effects from the tablets, says Landmark. People over 60 can, however, get side effects.

– They can cause disorders of the thyroid gland function, but it is not a serious side effect. There is also a reason why the tablets are not recommended to the same extent for those over 18. If you do not have the tablets, you have to stay indoors.


In case of radioactive release, the authorities will notify you that you should take the iodine tablet.

– Then the thyroid gland will be saturated with iodine within two hours after ingestion and block radioactive iodine. In addition, there will be a message that you must stay indoors.

Landmark points out that a radioactive release in Ukraine will most likely not lead to such measures in Norway.

– The chance is small. Ukraine is so far away from Norway that it will probably not be necessary.

No need to hoard

Press manager Silje Ensrud in Apotek 1 can confirm that new iodine tablets are now on their way from the wholesaler and to the pharmacy shelves.

– They came to the wholesaler on Thursday, and are now being rolled out to the pharmacies. The pharmacies that have been sold out will have their shelves filled up in the next few days, Ensrud says.

She adds that not all pharmacies have been sold out for the requested tablets, and emphasizes that it is not necessary to buy large quantities.

– We do not get too much, so it is important that people do not hoard. For a family of five, a 10-pack should last, says Ensrud.

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