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Therefore, the color of these bubbles is important when Oslo is to see if the reopening plan works

For months, the city council has tried to get Oslo residents to move around the city as little as possible. Now the city will be reopened. What happens to the infection numbers then?


Data for last weekend showed that mobility in Oslo was reduced by 34 percent compared to the same weekend in 2019. Photo: The emergency services

When City Councilor Raymond Johansen on Tuesday told about the reopening plan for Oslo, he could conclude with the following:

– We have tried to the best of our ability to take the measures that limit mobility. And it has been successful.

For several years, Oslo Municipality has been collecting data on my and your movements in the capital. In 2021, the population has remained more calm than ever.

In recent months, mobility in the city has been less than 30 percent of a normal year. Within Ring 1, the reduction has been as high as 66 per cent.

At the same time, infection rates in Oslo have gradually declined. Now, according to the plan, we will soon start taking back the city. It does not happen without concern to the city council leader.

Previous experience shows that if the small blue bubbles in the city map turn red, there may be danger on the way. Still, it is a bright red color he now wants.

It can be a difficult balancing act.

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