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Therefore, SV must enter Støre’s government – VG

ALL WEEK: Peggy Hessen Følsvik has found her place at the LO congress, which lasts until Friday.

YOUNGSTORGET (VG) LO leader Peggy Hessen Følsvik wants SV in the government of Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (Labor). There is more that unites than that separates the Labor Party, the Socialist People’s Party and the Socialist People’s Party, she said when she opened the LO congress on Monday.


Updated less than 20 minutes ago

According to the LO leader, the parliamentary election in 2021 “was a resounding cry for a redder and greener policy”.

– For LO, it has always been a goal to have a red-green majority government consisting of the Labor Party, the Center Party and the Socialist People’s Party, Følsvik explains to VG.

In the opening speech to the Congress, she added that she is absolutely certain that she has the vast majority of LO members behind her, when she says:

– The government has delivered on a case-by-case basis, on climate, working life and distribution. But the expectation of a majority government was strong among LO members. Now the Labor Party, the Center Party and the Socialist People’s Party must come together. Not just from case to case in the Storting. But in government, said the LO leader.

She continued

– There is so little that separates us. There is so much that unites. And everyone must take responsibility.

LO REQUIREMENTS: LO leader Peggy Hessen Følsvik wants SV into the red-green government of Jonas Gahr Støre (Labor Party), and feels confident that she has the majority of LO members with her in the demand.

Extraordinary times

To VG, the LO leader justifies the demand for a majority government – which includes SV – with the fact that we live in extraordinary times.

She believes that war and crisis in Europe have turned everything upside down.

– Not until we could put the worst behind us, when it came to the corona crisis, did war break out on European soil. And with war come new crises, says Følsvik and refers to humanitarian crises: food crisis, refugee crisis, power crisis, economic crisis.

– In these demanding times, we need the power a majority government will give, she adds.

Følsvik adds that secure economic management and majority government “is political medicine against crisis”.

– For LO, it has always been a goal to have a red-green majority government consisting of the Labor Party, the Center Party and the Socialist People’s Party.

The LO leader points out that a lot has happened since the government was formed last autumn:

– More than ever, Norway needs a majority government that can take responsibility, she says to VG.

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LO REQUIREMENTS: LO leader Peggy Hessen Følsvik wants SV into the red-green government of Jonas Gahr Støre (Labor Party), and feels confident that she has the majority of LO members with her in the demand.

Her message that SV should enter government, received warm applause from the audience.

Støre wanted to include SV

In the election in September, the three red-green parties, which sat together in the Stoltenberg government from 2005 to 2013, received a total of 89 seats. There are four more than what is required to have a majority in the Storting.

After several talks, the leadership of the three parties met in Hurdal north of Oslo, to explore whether it was possible to form a majority government.

This was a strong wish from Labor leader Jonas Gahr Støre, while SP leader Trygve Slagsvold Vedum was both before and after the election clear that he wanted a minority government with Labor and Social Democrats.

SPLIT: Audun Lysbakken’s SV remained on the outside, while Jonas Gahr Støre’s Labor Party and Trygve Slagsvold Vedums Sp formed a government. Here at Hurdal in October.


Finally SV withdrew from further talks in a dramatic wayand stated that the willingness to also give SV a breakthrough in a possible government platform, was not present.

Instead, SV has become a budget partner for the government in the Storting.

This is what the LO leader now wants to change.

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