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Therefore, Stefan Holm chooses not to live with fiancée Jessica

The couple Stefan Holm and Jessica Eriksson have written a romantic book series together, and dream of moving in together. But as it stands now, their interior design tastes differ radically. Both currently live in Karlstad.

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Holm, who has a career as a high jumper, coach and Olympic gold medalist, prefers to decorate simply and practically.

– I have no style. It’s very white walls and no frills at all. I am practical and want it as simple as possible. Ikea works fine, says Holm The Express.

Fästmön Jessica Eriksson has a doctorate in Nordic languages ​​at Karlstad University and decorates her home according to 18th-century trends.

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“My style is the exact opposite of Stefan’s”

– My style is the exact opposite of Stefan’s. I love rococo, crystal chandeliers, massive console tables and large mirrors with gold frill frames. On my 108 squares, I have five crystal chandeliers. I am fascinated by the 18th century and have written a thesis on an 18th century lady’s diary.

Eriksson believes that it will be a challenge to combine the different styles. But Holm is calm.

– It works out, it always does in Värmland, he tells Expressen.

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