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there will be no results for several hours

The Democratic Party will not release results for caucuses in Iowa until Tuesday morning (US time, Tuesday afternoon in Belgium), Bloomberg said.

The results of these early caucuses were delayed longer than usual due to technical problems.

The Democratic Party explains that it wants to ensure the reliability of the results before publishing them, citing “inconsistencies“in their compilation.

The primary marathon to designate the democrat who will face Donald Trump in the American presidential election began Monday evening in Iowa, where Bernie Sanders was favorite.

When the results are announced, I have the feeling that we will have a very very good success here in Iowa“said the 78-year-old senator.”Today marks the beginning of the end for Donald Trump“, he hammered.

But almost four hours after the kick-off of “caucus“, these some 1,700 assemblies where voters gathered to nominate their candidate, the Democratic Party explained wanting to ensure the reliability of the results before publishing them, citing”inconsistencies“in their compilation.

However, he denied any cyber attack or irregularity, while in the republican camp, some, like Donald Trump Junior, the president’s son, immediately accused the democratic leaders of cheating.

We know there are delays but we also know that we are beyond our expectations“said Senator Amy Klobuchar, the first candidate to speak when the winner was not yet known. She was to take a flight to New Hampshire, the second state to vote, on February 11.

It will be a long night, but I am confident“also assured former vice president Joe Biden, predicting a vote”tight“. He called on the organizers to”be very carrefully“in the compilation of results.

Iowa, a small rural state, snowy at this time of the year, has started the primary season since the 1970s. It is important because it is the first: the number of delegates at stake is negligible (these are delegates who will ultimately designate the candidate invested), but a good result or a poor performance can change the dynamics of a bid.

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