The colective Citizen for Democracy called for a rally in support of the attorney general Diana Salazar for 4:00 p.m. on April 17 on Avenida de The Shyrisal north of Quito.
Likewise, through a manifesto, to which figures from Ecuadorian politics adhered, they showed their support for Diana Salazarof whom they say “has awakened the courage and honor of all decent Ecuadorians, who watch with encouragement as someone finally dares to stand up to the mafias that eat away at the soul of our democracy.”
The manifesto indicates that Ecuador They live at a “crossroads” between submitting to the “tyranny of narcopolitics” or leaving a nation of which future generations can be proud.

In this way, the group thinks that it is necessary to show them the most “unrestricted support.” Also, they rejected the idea that they want to take her to a political trial in the Assembly. If that happens, “they will not be condemning her, but rather the country,” they say.
This writing was signed by several figures in Ecuadorian politics, including journalists, former presidents, lawyers and more, such as: Osvaldo Hurtado, Rosalía Arteaga, Andres Paez, Roque Seville, Luis Verdesoto, Lolo Echeverria, Veronica Sarauz…
According to EcuavisaOn March 27, a group of citizens marched in support of the Attorney General, who in recent months has revealed cases of national significance such as Metastasis, Plague y Purgewhere organized crime structures that entrenched themselves in the justice system are investigated.
#rally #support #prosecutor #Diana #Salazar