Home » today » Entertainment » There will be a film lecture What you may not know about Jānis Streičs / Diena

There will be a film lecture What you may not know about Jānis Streičs / Diena

Movies A terrifying song name in translation means ‘Horror song’, although then with the classic horror genre has little in common, but the film offers a psychological maze left by strong violent events.

The film is a historical drama, the center of which is Inga, a former participant of the Second World War, who ends up in a women’s war hospital after a serious injury. The paralyzed girl dreams of returning home, but the longing, hopes and memories of life before the war affect all the girls caught and mutilated in the war. Both new friendships and unexpected betrayals are possible in the daily life of the hospital. Girls entrust each other with their sharp, but not infrequently, fantasy life stories. The film has a hidden humor about the totalitarian regime and the ability of people not to accept it. Although the war has destroyed many dreams, life must continue.

“A decade between Limousine in the color of Midsummer night (1981) a Human child (1990) director Jānis Streičs has made one of his most metaphorical and saturated films A shocking song. The title of the film makes a direct reference to the Roman philosopher Virgil and the law of persecution for treason. A terrifying song is the classic Jānis Streičs least known film and it has its own historical reasons. The strike is fiercer than ever. The film takes place in a symbolic environment – a hospital, where young women try to recover from their battlefield injuries. There are no men’s eyes, doctors are used to everything, girls are half-naked, shy, bare thighs with bandages and crutches. It is a world saturated with femininity in both a positive and a negative sense. A bold film that must be seen to appreciate the depths of the thinking of director Jānis Streičs, “about the film A terrifying song says film scientist, cinema Splendid Palace artistic director Daira Āboliņa.

In the main roles: Ilona Ozola, Vizma Kvēpa, Jekaterina Vasiljeva, Valentīna Teļčkina, Tatjana Čerkovska, Romualds Ancāns, Ilga Vītola, Ligita Skujiņa.

The cinematographer of the film is the old master Miks Zvirbulis, who has created strong visual solutions within the closed space, which allows to perceive this story in a wide cultural context. Music by Mārtiņš Brauns, costume designer Ieva Kundziņa.

Film in the lecture What you may not know will be shown in the original version of a 35 mm film with subtitles in Latvian, which has been preserved in excellent quality in the Latvian State Film and Photophony Archive.

Before the film – video format, the audience will be addressed by director Jānis Streičs.

More information: www.splendidpalace.lv

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