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There will be a ban on the embankments of Prague after midnight

The measure is to concern Rašínov and Hořejší nábřeží, the first of which, in recent years, has become one of the most unpopular places where people go to have fun. At the same time, residents from the area complain about the noisy behavior of visitors to the floodplains.

According to Chabr, it has already been possible to persuade ship operators with restaurants and businesses to which the city rents dungeons in the wall of the waterfront to comply with the rules approved by the city. However, according to him, the problem lies in people who just sit with a bought bottle by the water. “We’re not really able to do anything about this right now,” he said. According to him, police officers and police officers cannot expel drinking people from the floodplains when the police stop being noisy when they arrive.

The solution is to help add both sediments to the list of places where, according to the city ordinance, alcohol may not be consumed. The city has been preparing an amendment to the decree for a long time, the last time it was updated in 2013, when the number of places was doubled compared to the original version from 2008. It is now banned in more than eight hundred places in the metropolis.

Businesses and ferries operate

In the case of alluvium, the ban should not apply absolutely, but only between midnight and morning. “We assume that in those exposed times there will be a patrol going through and checking. At the same time, there is nothing limiting about the enjoyment of visitors who come here for fun, “the councilor explained.

Chabr said that life had returned to life after the crisis caused by the coronavirus epidemic and that most businesses had started operating. The municipality recently had the dungeons repaired in the walls of both embankments, where cafes, galleries and other bars were built. The ferry also started running between the two banks, between 10:00 and 20:00 at about quarter-hour intervals.

“Events are already taking place and we are planning events that are focused on gastronomy, which is more or less on Hořejší nábřeží. It’s every second Saturday of the month and now we have it planned until the end of October, “said Petr Hozman, who is in charge of their program as a curator. Some time ago he replaced Jiří Sulženko, who became the director of the Department of Culture of the Prague City Hall. Chabr added that this year the traditional rowing race of the Mayor of Prague will take place on the embankment, and now also competitions in diving into the Highjump water, which will move from a flooded quarry in the Příbram region to the center of Prague to the railway bridge.

The pontoon for cyclists will probably be put aside

The previous management of the municipality planned further investments on the embankments, such as a floating spa at the Podskalská embankment or a pontoon at the Vyšehrad rock, which should allow cyclists to bypass the narrow passage through the tunnel.

But Chabr said on Thursday that these projects are likely to be postponed due to coronavirus shortfalls in the city budget. The councilor said that the city would like to focus on investments in other parts of the Vltava, such as the embankment on the Dvořák embankment. “When it comes to night entertainment, this is perhaps an ideal place because there is no residential area nearby,” he said. For example, on Smetana’s embankment, according to him, it is also a matter of the passage of so-called tentacles, ie passages in the embankment wall, which are now closed.

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