Home » World » There were bomb alarms in 1,323 Slovak schools on Tuesday

There were bomb alarms in 1,323 Slovak schools on Tuesday

May 7, 2024 – 7:18 p.m

The Slovak police informed on its social media page that a total of 1,323 schools had bomb alarms on Tuesday.

“The bomb threat is taking on extreme proportions. The police are working with full force, checking the security of the schools and trying to identify the culprit,” the Slovak news agency quoted the authorities as saying.

Here is the detailed data series: There were bomb alarms in 110 schools in Bratislava County, 148 in Trencsén County, 232 in Nyitra County, and 119 in Nagyszombat County. 176 in Eperjes county, 216 in Kassa county. in 94 schools in Besztercebánya county, and in 228 schools in Zsolna county.

Just like last week’s email threatening schools in Bratislava, the current ones also came from a Russian address, but in Slovak. The alleged attacker mentioned the Islamic religion and said that there were explosives in the school and that he was preparing for a big attack.

Not only schools, but also banks and commercial chains were threatened. The Slovak police made it known that

“he initiated criminal proceedings in the case due to the particularly serious crime of a terrorist act. The perpetrator can expect 20-25 years or life imprisonment.”

Source: New word, Parameter

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