Home » today » World » There was no place for the star of “Quiet Don” Kiriyenko in her husband’s grave

There was no place for the star of “Quiet Don” Kiriyenko in her husband’s grave

The son of People’s Artist of the RSFSR Zinaida Kiriyenko said that the farewell to the actress would take place at the Cinema House on Tuesday, and Zinaida Mikhailovna would be buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery – away from her husband, director Valery Tarasevsky.

According to him, in the grave of his father, located in one of the rural cemeteries near Moscow, there is no place for the second deceased.

“There is no place for mom anymore,” he explained.Komsomolskaya Pravda».

Actress Zinaida Kiriyenko met her future husband Valery Tarasevsky on the set of the film The Cossacks. Tarasevsky was ten years younger than the chosen one.

Despite the age difference, they got married and lived together for 44 years, until Tarasevsky’s death in 2004.

Recall that Zinaida Kiriyenko died on February 12 at the 89th year of her life. The last days the actress felt bad, complained of weakness and loss of strength. On Thursday, People’s Artist got worse.

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