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There was agreement for the flag of sexual diversity – News story

After another violent day in the Cordovan capital, in which there were clashes between different groups in the Sarmiento Park because of the flag for sexual diversity, which the Municipality put on Saturday to celebrate World Pride Day, finally this Sunday night there was an agreement between the parties.

In this way, the LGBTIQ + badge (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Intersexual, Queer and other identities) was in place until this Sunday at midnight. From this Monday, at 8.30 am, the Argentine flag will fly on that mast.

After the controversy over the attempt to lower the LGBTIQ + flag, which Mayor Martín Llaryora had raised, a large group of protesters returned this Sunday afternoon to protest.

During the mobilization, they broke the commemorative plaque that had been placed next to the mast.

In a climate marked by tension, they argued separated by a police cordon with another group that came out to defend the insignia of sexual diversity.

In the group that mobilized towards the flag on Deodoro Roca street, the presence of Malvinas veterans stood out.

The Police had to intervene again and, in the framework of the protests, the protesters sang the Argentine National Anthem.

There were insults, shoves, and crossings that were mitigated by police officers. Even a man who was in the group against the new flag tried to hit protesters from the other group with what appeared to be a chain.

In this regard, the Secretary of the Government of the Municipality of Córdoba, Miguel Siciliano, regretted the events that occurred and held a dialogue with Chain 3 that “we are not an inclusive society that accepts minorities”.

This left us with a sad experience, because it showed us that we are not an inclusive society that accepts minorities

Although he stressed that on the morning of this Monday “all together they will raise the national flag, which is the one that was always raised that it was going to fly on the mast.”

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The moment when a man attacked protesters who were defending the LGBTIQ + flag.

The conflict began this Saturday, when through his Instagram Officially, the Municipality published in its social networks images of the moment in which the Mayor Martín Llaryora, accompanied by members of the LGBTIQ + collective of the city, raised the flag and announced that it would remain permanently there.

Hours later, a pair of individuals approached to lower it and to violate it. They discussed with young people who wanted to prevent it and the video went viral on social networks. At the end of the day, the symbol flamed again from above.

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On the other hand, the official clarified that the permanent character referred to raising the flag of diversity every time an event that links the LGBTIQ + community is commemorated, and the same earlier Sunday He pointed out that “it is a mistake” to think that someone wants to replace the Argentine national flag with that of the LGBTIQ + Pride.

“The discussion that we must give ourselves as a State is if we are going to support these religious, sexual, and thought minorities,” he argued, about the decision of the local government to raise the LGBTIQ + flag on the mast of Sarmiento Park this June 28, World Day. of Pride.

“I want them not to give the false discussion of whether a flag yes or no, because that is not what we should discuss. The discussion that we must give ourselves is that of inclusion and equality, “he said.

“Was this discussion really about the flag or because it does not reflect sexual minorities? What if we had put up the flag of the Vatican or of the volunteer firefighters? ”He asked.

The plate that was destroyed this Sunday.


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