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“There is the Nantes model and there is the Angevin model …”: the mayor of Angers stings FC Nantes before the derby

What was to be a classic question and answer between a mayor and his constituents took a somewhat humorous turn on Wednesday. At the question : “What do you think of the great man that is Stéphane Moulin? “, Christophe Béchu, the mayor of Angers, took advantage of the windfall to pay tribute to the SCO coach. But he also slipped a small tackle at the neighboring club, FC Nantes, while the derby between the two formations looms on Sunday at the Raymond-Kopa stadium.

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“The people of Nantes will succeed in reaching a consumption of about one trainer per year …”

Christophe Béchu, mayor of Angers

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“I am very appreciative of its longevity, replied the mayor about Moulin, because we know that in the world of football, the coach’s waltz is often something frequent, and from this point of view, there are two models: there is the Nantes model and there is the Angevin model. The Nantes model, if I understood correctly, today (Wednesday), it was announced that Raymond Domenech was going to be made redundant, which means that the people of Nantes will succeed in reaching a consumption of about one trainer per year …, where we have the record for longevity (Moulin has been in office since June 2011, a record among Ligue 1 clubs). »

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“He’s not bling-bling. He has a more discreet approach ”

Christophe Béchu, about Stéphane Moulin

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Christophe Béchu continued by insisting on the values ​​embodied by the coach of the SCO: “There are qualities in Stéphane Moulin that I believe to be profoundly Angevin. He doesn’t bring her back, he’s humble in the way he puts it, he’s not bling-bling. He has an approach that is more discreet and I think these are qualities which, today, in football, would certainly deserve to be more widespread. “

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