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there is still time until October 1st

It is still possible to benefit from the PC and Internet Bonus worth 500 euros, but only for a few days. Here’s what you need to know about it.

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2020 was marked by the impact of the Coronavirus which unfortunately continues to have negative repercussions on our way of life today. In fact, in order to counteract its spread, we are asked to pay attention to various precautions, such as social distancing. The latter has led many to change their way of relating, so much so as to record an increasingly massive use of the various technological devices, thanks to which to be able to communicate whoever you want, even if geographically distant.

There are many tools at our disposal, which inevitably involve costs. Well, in this context it is good to know that many can take advantage of the PC and internet bonus of 500 euros. Thanks to the latter, as can be guessed from the name, it is possible to obtain an important concession for the purchase of computer, as well as take advantage of the various web services. Those interested, however, must hurry, as there are still few days available to apply for it.

500 euro PC and Internet bonus, hurry up: there is time until October 1st

Starting from smart working up to distance learning, the last period made us understand how the use of new technologies can prove to be particularly important in some situations and above all able to simplify many daily activities. Obviously, to carry out these operations it is necessary to access internet and use ad hoc devices, such as pc e tablet.

All tools now considered indispensable, but at the same time expensive. Precisely for this reason the government has decided to come to meet the families, offering them the opportunity to take advantage of the PC and internet bonus of 500 euros. The latter was introduced by the previous executive led by Conte and allows, in fact, to benefit from a contribution of 500 euros.

Of these, 300 euro they are intended for the costs of connecting an Internet connection with a minimum speed of 30 Mbit / s in download and 15 Mbit / s in upload. Once the 300 euros have been used to upgrade or connect to the Internet, the others are unlocked 200 euro, aimed at buying a PC or tablet.

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The 500 euro PC and Internet bonus, we remind you, is aimed at families with Isee income of less than 20 thousand euros and it will be possible to request it until October 1, 2021. Therefore, barring extensions, there are only a few days left to request and take advantage of this important bonus.

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