Home » today » Health » “There is nothing to negotiate with viruses” says the head of the infectious diseases department at the Limoges CHU

“There is nothing to negotiate with viruses” says the head of the infectious diseases department at the Limoges CHU

From this Saturday, you will need a good reason and a duly completed certificate to go out after 6 p.m. in Haute-Vienne and Corrèze, where the curfew is advanced, as in all of France. A decision announced by Prime Minister Jean Castex, faced with the resurgence of the Covid 19 epidemic. A measure hailed by Professor Jean-François Faucher, head of the infectious and tropical diseases department at the Limoges University Hospital, who was the guest from France Bleu Limousin this Friday morning.

With 125 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, Haute-Vienne is also facing an increase in contamination confirms Professor Faucher. “You have to be extremely careful” he said, adding that the effectiveness of the curfew will depend on how everyone enforces it. With regard to the regions already concerned, he specifies “the signals we received are positive therefore _we can be optimistic about the usefulness of these measures_.” As to whether they will be sufficient, “it’s not yet won” adds the head of the infectious and tropical diseases department at the Limoges University Hospital.

Jean-François Faucher insists on the importance of disciplining oneself to limit social interactions. He also recalls that this should not be limited to compliance with the curfew and that continue to apply barrier gestures to avoid an outbreak of new cases.

There is nothing to trade with viruses!

Regarding the measures announced for schools, in particular the limitation of student mixing and the suspension of indoor sports lessons, Professor Faucher is also delighted. “The more measures we take to curb transmission, the more we go in the right direction, at a time when there is a high risk of an outbreak of the epidemic, because it is winter and there is new variants. “

Vaccination of people over 75 and at risk

The government also announced a further acceleration of vaccination. She will open from next Monday to people with high-risk pathologies, which may worsen the effects of the coronavirus. It concerns in particular “people suffering from severe renal failure, those who have had an organ transplant, people undergoing treatment for cancer or even those with Down’s syndrome”, detailed the Minister of Health Olivier Véran. The list also includes some rare diseases.

In addition to residents of nursing homes and caregivers, firefighters and home helpers over 50, people over 75 who live at home can also ask to be vaccinated. “In Haute Vienne, it is estimated that there are 40,000 people over 75 years old” specifies the head of the infectious and tropical diseases department at Limoges University Hospital. Faced with the enormous logistical challenge that this represents, a municipal vaccination center will be set up in Limoges. Discussions are currently underway to set up the device, in conjunction with the Regional Health Agency, the CHU and the city of Limoges, as well as representatives of the health professions.

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