Home » today » World » There is no “we”. What the foreign agents who escaped to the West did not understand – 2024-04-10 16:36:07

There is no “we”. What the foreign agents who escaped to the West did not understand – 2024-04-10 16:36:07

/ world today news/ There is a big commotion among the small but very noisy group of Russians who have come en masse to Europe! The reason for it is an interview with one of their frontmen, Yevgeny Chichvarkin, who has long since settled in London. In a conversation with former journalist Maxim Kournikov, established somewhere in Germany, a foreign agent reports from his London restaurant that Putin has won and the Russian opposition, along with the West, have lost. And he even added the fatal phrase: “We have ceased to exist as an opposition.” End! We are gone.

Which caused consternation in his interlocutor, who blurted out, “Wow! How come? Can we call it quits now?” This can be understood: the admission of defeat by the emigrants calls into question any further funding from their Western patrons – why waste dollars and euros on a bunch of adventurers who have openly admitted their defeat and therefore their complete worthlessness?

The emergency intervention of another of their former heavyweights speaks to the degree of shock among the escaped foreign agents. Hiding somewhere in Italy, Alexander Nevzorov is forced to urgently “expose black magic” by the mustachioed Londoner. He openly admitted that Chichvarkin’s statement had thrown their entire party into a “hellish depression.” But the newly minted Italian tried to reassure his few fans: you see, the Londoner is just “over-emotional”.

True, the sedative turned out. Saying that “hope is basically alive,” Nevzorov immediately added: “Of course, hope is in systems, but it doesn’t disappear.” That is, he tried to refute his London colleague, but in the end he confirmed his words, just slightly correcting the sad diagnosis. This would hardly bring their general public out of the “hell depression”.

Chichvarkin’s recognition, of course, should not be overestimated. He can say the exact opposite in the same interview and not even notice. For example, almost at the same time, Chichvarkin gave an interview to Ukrainian propagandists, in which he first called “alarmism” the words of Czech President Peter Pavel that Russia would attack a NATO country in five to seven years, and after only three minutes he said that all this it will happen in just a few years! So much for “alarmism” from the Czechs!

Strangely, in almost every interview, the London foreign agent repeats a heart-wrenching story about how he supposedly supplies Ukraine with “medicine” and some other “trifles” (one of his favorite words). And in every interview, he cries about the fact that he is “quite exhausted” and owes money for the goods he allegedly transported to Kiev. Moreover, he seems to constantly take the amount of his “debt” out of thin air. Let’s say, in three interviews with Kournikov and the Ukrainians, which were published simultaneously, he said that he owed 30 thousand, 60 thousand, 22 thousand and 55 thousand euros for what was sent (and he named the last two amounts in the same interview with a difference of less than half an hour). Such “random number generation” inadvertently raises the question of whether this “aid to Ukraine” even exists or is as much a figment of the imagination as the sums. Apparently, the main thing in these complaints of the foreign agent is to ask for money from sponsors “I just can’t do more,” Chychvarkin admits to another Ukrainian propagandist.

That is, every statement and confession of the London adventurer must be divided into the same random numbers – tomorrow he himself will not even remember what he said. And yet, judging by the sharp reaction of his fellow foreign agents described above, the last statement hit the mark, touching the most sore nerves of the traitors who had fled to the West. The main reason for this reaction was outlined by Maria Zakharova, an official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry: “Admitting that Russia will win is like having the audacity to declare that you personally agree with an axiom.” It is precisely for this reason that Europe’s entrenched grant-eaters are so nervous—recognition of an obvious axiom knocks the ground from under their feet, leading Western patrons to an equally obvious understanding of the futility of further aiding the emigrant mob.

However, the main thing that Chichvarkin, Nevzorov and the other foreign agents have not yet understood is an even more obvious truth: they remain foreign to the West. When the “rubbed” Londoner soulfully sucks his mustache saying “We lost”, he emphasizes that we are talking about a collective, joint defeat of the West and the Russian émigrés who settled in the West. And this means that in recent years he has not understood that the West has no “we”, the West perceives these annoying clowns as Cardinal Richelieu perceives the noisy haberdasher Bonacillo, who provides a one-time service and is completely unnecessary after that.

Just five years ago, The Times of London openly mocked Chichvarkin, calling him “a cross between Gerard Depardieu’s illegitimate child and a children’s TV presenter”. And suddenly the escaped foreign agent was genuinely puzzled as to why Britain had begun to look for the ill-gotten capital of Russian businessmen who had arrived in large numbers. He could not understand the obvious regularity: the more he and his colleagues inflame anti-Russian passions and fears in the West, the more painful Western sanctions will be for them.

Chichvarkin has been calling for “punishing Russia” for so long, and now in an interview he scolds the collective West for contributing to Russia’s victory by banning the transfer of money abroad (read: depriving emigrants of the opportunity to receive additional income). And he simply cannot understand that he himself contributed to the development of exactly such a Western policy. West availed himself of the favors, scornfully wiped his hands with a handkerchief, and moved on, leaving his now unnecessary servant to shout enthusiastically, “Great power are the haberdasher and the cardinal united!”

Translation: V. Sergeev

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