Home » today » News » There is no snow wall: this is what the Pino Hachado border crossing in Lonquimay really looks like | National

There is no snow wall: this is what the Pino Hachado border crossing in Lonquimay really looks like | National

A photograph of the border complex “Pino Hachado” in La Araucanía it showed the place with a wall of snow on the route, causing it to quickly go viral on Saturday.

However, the famous photograph was not actually from Chile, but from Japan. Several users noted that the photograph could be found on Pinterest and would correspond to a route in the city of Toyama.


The photograph made such an impact on Twitter that even the Chilean ambassador to Argentina, Nicolás Monckeberg, shared the image on his account as true, having to subsequently rectify the information with a new tweet upon noticing the error.



But what does Pino Hachado look like?

The truth is that due to the intense snow falling in the border complex of the La Araucanía region, it did generate a “wall of snow”, forcing emergency teams to work on the site last week.

But this weekend the place does not look similar to the photograph released, although it is still closed by snow.


For this closure on the route, more than 190 trucks are waiting for the border crossing to be enabled, The one that could continue to be closed for four more days due to the frontal system that the Argentine territory is experiencing.

This is affecting a large part of the Neuquén province in Argentina, leaving the impassable routes as a result of the accumulation of snow and ice on the road, so the Roads machinery was redirected to work on clearing the roads to the communes or hamlets.

For their part, the Argentine authorities indicated that a frontal system of this magnitude nor lived 40 years ago.


Since route 242 is not enabled in Argentina, the Pino Hachado international pass, which was closed six days ago, cannot be enabled and it is indicated that it could continue like this for another four days.

The trucks that are stranded in the pass are parked at three points: 16 in the town of Manzanar, 32 in the El Arriero inn and 146 in the town of Liucura.

It is for this situation that the coordination of border crossings in this last town had six chemical toilets and the municipality of Lonquimay in La Araucanía installed garbage containers so that truckers are in better conditions on site while they wait for the border crossing to be enabled. .


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