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There is no return to classrooms, online classes continue: SEG * Central Page

The return to classrooms in person will take place until adequate sanitary conditions exist, reported the Secretary of Education in Guanajuato.

Yesterday, the governor of the state Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo said that the behavior of the coronavirus pandemic in the entity will not allow a return of students to the classroom in the short term.

Rodríguez Vallejo acknowledged that it could be until the beginning of 2022 when a herd vaccination is given and to be able to return to classes, “it is even difficult to think that it could be given in the month of August,” he said.

Through a statement, in which it details that for the state government the health of children, adolescents, young people, teachers and their families is the most important thing, the SEG reported that the suspension of face-to-face classes is maintained in all types and educational levels, in order to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus and the growth of cases of contagion.

After emphasizing that he works in a coordinated manner with the Ministry of Health, he announced that the behavior of the pandemic is being evaluated, for the timely review and the possibility of a gradual return of activities, as well as determining the protocols to be implemented.

“Meanwhile, the public and private educational institutions of the state of Guanajuato must attend to the prevention actions imposed by the State Health Secretariat.”

The document ends by emphasizing that it is important that citizens follow all the necessary protocols to guarantee a timely return to classes and with the guarantees of care for the educational community.

There will also be no face-to-face return from private schools

María de la Luz Márquez Soto, head of the Council of the Federation of Private Schools of León (FEP), announced that the latent risk and lack of control of the coronavirus pandemic will not allow a face-to-face return to classes on the next 1 March, he assured.

After ensuring that the COVID-19 pandemic in the entity continues to represent a great risk to people’s health, the representative of the FEP rejected that in Guanajuato private schools have permission to receive students in the classrooms, so they will continue with virtual work.

Through a statement, said organization said that the “58 educational institutions that represent a total of 179 keys of work centers, located in different municipalities of the entity, where 30 thousand Guanajuato students are served.”

This also enhanced communication with authorities of the Guanajuato Education Secretariat (SEG) since the beginning of the health emergency.

Therefore, they will continue “to propose ideas and strategies to recover with responsibility, part of the much that we have lost as a society in one year”.

Complex challenge

Márquez Soto acknowledged that they are facing a “complex challenge”, which he considered should be faced through joint work with the educational and health authorities, with an open dialogue and within the legal framework.

It is worth mentioning that the Federation it represents is not part of the National Association of Private Schools (ANEP).


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