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there is no reason to talk about “stuffing” – RT in Russian

Russian President Vladimir Putin, in an interview with Russia 1, commented on versions of the artificial creation of the coronavirus infection COVID-19.

“To say that someone threw it on purpose, someone did something on purpose – there is no reason for this. I think that if someone sticks to this version, then nothing good will come of it, ” lead his words “Vesti.ru” in the framework of the program “Moscow. Kremlin. Putin. “

The head of state called for a joint fight against the pandemic, and not “rassusolit where it came from” and “blame each other.”

According to him, it is necessary to understand the “essence of what is happening” and “build a protection system.”

“We need to do what leads us all to get rid of this threat. Here, on this path, success awaits us, not the path of confrontation, ”Putin emphasized.

Earlier, Microsoft founder Bill Gates commented conspiracy theoryaccording to which he allegedly plans to introduce mass chipping of the population through vaccination.

The Prosecutor General of Russia, in turn, recognized fakes videos about the allegedly artificial creation of COVID-19 to chip the population.

Chinese Foreign Ministry called on the United States stop groundless coronavirus claims and intensify collaboration with the global community to combat the pandemic.

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