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There is no loan for an old person to buy a car

What happen? The German woman, who came to Austria with her husband in 1973 and has lived in Eisenstadt since 1995, wanted a loan of between 3,000 and 6,000 euros to buy a small used car.

She went to several banks in the state capital but was rejected everywhere. Her Austrian pension of 984 euros per month was deemed too low. The home owner, who did not prefer to see her name in the newspaper, is annoyed that the financial institutions set aside the fact that she also receives a pension of around 830 euros from Germany.

Just a year and a half ago it was… National Council Make it easier for seniors to access loans. The main message of the decision: What counts for banks now is not the life expectancy of loan applicants, but whether there is enough collateral.

It is therefore generally possible to lend if assets provide “sufficient guarantee to cover the remaining (remaining) amount”.

At the same time, it must be likely that the customers will be able to fulfill the ongoing obligations under the loan agreement during their lifetime. The heirs can continue to repay the loan and thus avoid liquidation.

Office of the Ombudsman

With such or similar cases as well Office of the Banking Ombudsman of the country. Not knowing the specific case, says Ombudsman Ernst Loosthat, in his experience, lending fails mainly because of the lack of guarantees. A second person – usually children or other relatives – had to be responsible for the repayment. Recovering houses or land usually takes too much time for banks.

If requested, the ombudsman’s office will try to mediate between elderly people and banks, says Loos. One solution the expert can think of: Agree on a moderate overdraft if the loan amounts are relatively small.

Pension groups refer to roofs with banks

Also the red one Pensions Association and the black Old People’s Association support the rejected loan applicant. Basically, that’s what both of them think President Helmut Bieler (PVÖ) and Rudolf Strommer (Association of the Elderly), age discrimination has no longer been an issue since a summit with the banks in Burgenland.

In the past year and a half, we haven’t had any complaints from our members about this, says Bieler. Strommer agrees: “We’ve solved the problem. It is understandable that banks need to secure their loans, whether through guarantors or otherwise.

What does one of the banks the 81-year-old contacted say? “As with all credit decisions, senior citizen loans are an individual decision that depends on various parameters. The most important prerequisite for any loan is the repayment capacity.larger financing, a comprehensive household bill “in which all income and expenses are included”.

The woman from Eisenstadt has stopped buying a car for the time being, but she didn’t stop in the end: “I’m also happy to show that I can drive, whether it’s a manual car or an automatic – it’s mobile. she says with a smile.

2024-09-02 16:07:09
#loan #person #buy #car

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