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There is no link between the Covid-19 vaccine and acute hepatitis

KOMPAS.comacute hepatitis or what is currently called mysterious hepatitis made a lot of people wary.

Moreover, there have been many cases of patients with this disease until some have died from various countries including Indonesia, of course it is a special concern.

Hepatitis itself, has been known as a disease that attacks the liver such as hepatitis A/B/C/D/E.

However, hepatitis that attacks recently is not caused by a virus that causes hepatitis A/B/C/D/E.

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The cause of this new variant of hepatitis is not yet known. Therefore, this new hepatitis is still referred to as “unknown Hepatitis”.

Then, because of its sudden onset and rapidly worsening, this new variant of hepatitis is also called “acute hepatitis.”

There is also some information circulating among the public, which says that unknown Hepatitis is caused by the Covid-19 vaccine.

In response to this information, an epidemiologist from the University of Gadjah Mada (UGM) Riris Andomo Ahmad, said that hepatitis whose cause was not known recently was not related to the Covid-19 vaccine.

“We need to understand and also disseminate to the public that hepatitis, which has no known cause, can be said to be unrelated to the Covid-19 vaccine,” Riris said as quoted from the UGM website when filling out a webinar.

Read also: Before Entering School, Know the Symptoms and Ways to Prevent Mysterious Hepatitis in Children

Doctor Riris didn’t find it strange that the hypothesis that was conjectured unknown Hepatitis caused by the Covid-19 vaccine has emerged in the community.

We can end the Covid-19 pandemic if we unite against it. History has proven that vaccines have saved the world from pandemics several times.

Vaccines are one of the most valuable discoveries in the world of science. Don’t hesitate and don’t be afraid to get vaccinated. Check vaccination updates.

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