Home » today » Health » There is no evidence that BCG vaccination helps with COVID-19 – Infectious Disease

There is no evidence that BCG vaccination helps with COVID-19 – Infectious Disease

She told about this in an interview with Ukrinform.

“There is no evidence that BCG vaccination — recently or made in childhood — helps with a covide infection. Reports appeared in the news that some countries began conducting clinical trials with BCG vaccine, but so far I don’t know the details and results, ”Bulavinova said.

According to her, if you think logically, adults who are seriously ill in Italy and Spain were vaccinated with BCG as much as we were in childhood. “Because BCG in Europe began to be used only for risk groups only recently. Therefore, the theory does not work at all, ”said the infectious disease specialist.

Read also: Coronavirus vaccine may be ready this September – Times

At the same time, she emphasized that vaccines against influenza and pneumococcus – any vaccine that “protects the lungs” is very useful.

“In Ukraine, there are cases of detection in the same patient of both flu and COVID-19. Vaccination against influenza and pneumococcus, in my opinion, is necessary in any case, and now it’s certainly important for the risk group to protect the lungs as much as possible, ”said Bulavinova.

As you know, the media circulated the version that the BCG vaccine supposedly gives immunity against COVID-19.

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