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There is no cure yet, these are the 10 most malignant and deadly cancers

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – In addition to heart and stroke, cancer is still a malignant disease causing the highest mortality rate in the world.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the three cancers that will kill most people in the world in 2020 are lung cancer (1.80 million deaths), colorectal cancer (916,000 deaths) and liver cancer (830,000 deaths).

But it’s not the deadliest cancer, according to Rebecca Siegel, MPH, senior scientific director of surveillance research at the American Cancer Society (ACS).


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Cancer researchers determine survival with a relative measure of 5 years. This is the percentage of people who are expected to survive the effects of a particular cancer, excluding the risk of other possible causes of death, for five years after diagnosis.

There are several types of cancer that are the most lethal, even very vulnerable to attacking humans, regardless of age group or gender. The deadliest cancers are those with the lowest survival rates.

Photo: Cancer Illustration / Edward Ricardo-

Why is there still no cure for cancer?

So far there is no drug that has been clinically and effectively proven to cure cancer. There are a number of reasons behind this.

The first reason, citing Live Science, is because cancer is not a single disease that can be eradicated with just one drug. In fact, there are hundreds of types of cancer.

“We will need hundreds of different drugs to treat all cancers,” Siegel said.

Another reason why it is difficult to cure cancer is because the standards for cancer care are very high. Cancer is declared cured if there is no trace of it in the body and it will never come back or is not expected to return. But even when all traces of cancer are gone, there’s no way to know for sure it won’t come back.

The last reason is that even if there is a treatment for a particular cancer, it doesn’t mean it will work for everyone. “Each cancer has its own unique molecular signature and responds to treatment differently than other people with the same type of cancer,” Siegel said.

Here are some of the deadliest cancers that Live Science cites:

1. Pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic cancer begins in the pancreatic tissue, which aids in digestion. Gastrointestinal cancer in general is rather deadly. The number of pancreatic cancer patients who survive five years after diagnosis is less than 50%. This it does Pancreatic cancer is the deadliest type of cancer.

Most pancreatic cancers are exocrine tumors, which means they arise in the cells that produce digestive enzymes.

In very few cases, cancer arises in pancreatic endocrine cells that produce insulin-like hormones or are called pancreatic neuroenocrine tumors (NETs). This type of cancer is only 2% of pancreatic cancer in general and has a much better chance of being cured.

Depending on how far it has spread, doctors can treat pancreatic cancer with surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy. Other possible treatments include immunotherapy and drugs that target specific cancer cell molecules.

2. Mesothelioma

The mesothelium is a layer of cells that lines certain body cavities and surrounds the internal organs. Meshotelioma is a cancer of these cells. Three out of four mesothelioma develop in the mesothelium surrounding the lungs or pleura. This type of cancer is called pleural mesothelioma.

Meanwhile, the most common type of mesothelioma forms in the peritoneum, the tissue that lines the stomach and surrounds many abdominal organs such as the stomach and liver. This type of cancer is called peritoneal mesothelioma. Mesothelioma rarely occurs in the tissue surrounding the heart and testicles.

Exposure to asbestos, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency, is the leading cause of malignant pleural mesothelioma.

Treatment depends on how far you are progressing, including surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, special therapy, and immunotherapy.

3. Gallbladder cancer

This digestive tract cancer begins in the gallbladder. The gallbladder, located under the liver, concentrates and stores bile, a substance produced by the liver that aids in digestion. Gallstones, although small, significantly increase the risk of developing gallbladder cancer.

The treatment given depends on how far the cancer has progressed at the time of diagnosis.

4. Esophageal cancer

The esophagus has the function of transporting food from the throat to the stomach. Risk factors for esophageal cancer include age, smoking, alcohol consumption, and a history of stomach disease.

Treatment depends on how far the cancer has progressed, such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, or therapies that target specific conditions.

5. Liver cancer

Liver cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in the world. The most significant risk factor for liver cancer is chronic hepatitis B or hepatitis C infection. Both infections are transmitted through body fluids, including blood and semen.

A closely related cancer is intrahepatic bile duct cancer, which occurs in the duct that carries bile from the liver and gallbladder to the small intestine, where bile helps digest fats from food.

6. Lung cancer

Lung and bronchial cancer kill most of the people in the world. Smoking and the use of tobacco products are the main causes.

There are two main types of non-small cell lung cancer, the most common and fastest spreading small cell lung cancer. The best thing a smoker patient can do to prepare for treatment is to quit smoking.

Lung cancer treatment includes surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and therapy Other.

7. Pleural cancer

This is a type of cancer of the tissue that lines the lungs, stomach, heart, and other organs. Mesothelioma cancer is the most common form, usually affecting the lungs.

Cough, chest pain, and shortness of breath are symptoms of this type of cancer. Treatment includes surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.

8. Acute monocytic leukemia

Acute monocytic leukemia is a subtype of a type of leukemia called acute myeloid leukemia (AML). These tumors develop in blood precursor cells that are about to become immune system cells called monocytes. Monocytes are an important part of the innate immune system.

Treatment for acute monocytic leukemia includes chemotherapy, stem cell transplantation, or targeted therapy.

9. Brain cancer

In adults, brain tumors rarely start in the brain but often spread from other tumors. Brain cancer is usually caused by cancer that originates in other parts of the body.

In children, most brain tumors start in the brain. The only risk factors for brain tumors are family history and radiation exposure to the head. Radiation exposure usually occurs while treating some other cancers.

Treatment for a brain tumor depends on the type of tumor and how much the tumor has grown at the time of diagnosis.

10. Acute myeloid leukemia

Leukemia develops from stem cells in the bone marrow. This type of cancer occurs when blood cell development stops and the cells become cancerous.

Acute myeloid leukemia refers to cancer that develops in myeloid cells (as opposed to lymphoid cells), which are blood precursor cells that have the potential to develop into red blood cells, certain types of white blood cells, and platelets.

Treatment includes chemotherapy, stem cell transplantation, or therapy special.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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