Home » today » News » There is concern about the delay in the announced purchase of land in Laguna de la Plata – La Discusión

There is concern about the delay in the announced purchase of land in Laguna de la Plata – La Discusión

The delay in the purchase of the Bullileo Farm, in the region’s mountain range, by the Regional Government of Ñuble has caused concern among tourism entrepreneurs in San Fabián. Last May, in the public account made by Governor Óscar Crisóstomo, the purchase of said space, where the Laguna de la Plata is located, was announced to convert it into a protected wild area.

It was a promise that the authority made and surprised different actors, but, to this day, there is no great progress on the issue. Several owners of the property have even thought about selling it to individuals, due to the delay in the process.

It is this delay that has worried different operators and the tourists themselves, because seven months after the announcement, not much progress has been made.

It was one of the owners of the property who confirmed the situation, ensuring that there are several private parties interested in purchasing the land. He commented that it is not ruled out that if the process does not advance and the Regional Government does not give approval, the land could be sold to other people.

This was detailed by Aquiles Blu, one of the eight owners of the Bullileo Fund. His intention is clear: to convert the area and Laguna de la Plata into a future national park. But there are other owners who “are a little tired of this long and administrative process by the Government, but I believe that patience has a limit,” he stressed in dialogue with La Discusión.

He also indicated that “if this is not expedited, if the rest of the owners want to sell it to other people, it will be like that, unfortunately. For my part, and it is the intention of other owners, this remains in the hands of the Government.”

Gore’s response

The truth is that the delay in the purchase and approval by the Regional Council is due to certain inconsistencies in the land where the lagoon is located. This is stated by Governor Crisóstomo who explained that “the purchase process of the Bullileo Farm, whose destination is the creation of a protected wild area, has an approved Satisfactory Recommendation. However, prior to sending it to the Regional Council and during the review of the information presented, inconsistencies were detected in the polygon, resulting from an overlap of titles in a sector of the property.”

He added that for this reason “before continuing to advance in the process, the owners were asked to clarify this issue and validate it before the corresponding technical organizations.”

Request sent

Due to this, on December 26, the rectification of all the documents was sent to Gore and a completely new and complete mapping of the Bullileo Farm was carried out.

This was indicated by Aquiles Blu, who pointed out that “the Government asked the owners to do a new analysis of the limits and mapping of the property. We did a pretty serious job where we had to spend our own resources. At the end of last year, we sent all the information to the governor, where all the planimetric studies, topographical, hydrological and perimeter plans went. All this done by specialists,” said Blu.

It was a job that lasted several days, as he noted, and now he only hopes that the Government will be the one to move forward and there will be prompt responses.

“Various title studies were also sent, where there are no details or problems in this regard. Everything the Government asked of us, we did it, we delivered it and we are waiting.”

It should be remembered that it was in the public account of the Regional Government, on May 30, 2023, where the purchase of the Bullileo farm was announced, in an investment that reaches $2.6 billion. The place corresponds to a property of 4,673 hectares, located in the mountain range, approximately 10 kilometers from the commune of San Fabián.

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