Home » today » News » There is concern about possible repeal of the law of carrying arms in New York by the Supreme Court | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

There is concern about possible repeal of the law of carrying arms in New York by the Supreme Court | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

pregnant could affect yourfertility.tonight we have temperatureswith the before.frozen.peter: the eyes of the nacónThey are placed in the decision ofthe supreme court. at ourarea there are quite a few expectationsand worry. we are going torecapitulate what is inI play today, is thenew york dating lawsince 1913; that stipulates thatto use a firearm inpublic, the people whowish they must show thatthey have a need for it.the people who appeal in thiscase they say that is the law ofnew york violates the right tothe second amendment to theconstitution. we know that thesupreme court is integratedfor a republican majority nowactivists are concerned thatit was against the law.the governor expressed in acommunicated that she hopes thatthe supreme court respect thisNew York law inagainst the gun portin public.let’s see a graph aboutthe last police report innew york, this graphic saysthan the bronx and north ofmanhattan are the ace sectorsaffected. the police tell usthat so far this year theshootings increased 31% inthe bronx and a 32 in north

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