Home » today » Business » There is an NBP position on franchise holders. The central bank sees an opportunity to pay the bank for the use of capital

There is an NBP position on franchise holders. The central bank sees an opportunity to pay the bank for the use of capital

The President of the NBP sent an opinion to the Supreme Court on the solution to the problem of foreign currency housing loans. Although the document states several times that this is a “strictly economic” assessment, it is not the best from the point of view of borrowers. The President of the National Bank of Poland points out that in the event of cancellation of the contract, banks should be able to claim remuneration for non-contractual use of capital, but at the same time proposes a different solution.

  • The President of the NBP sent to the Supreme Court his opinion on the problem of the franc
  • The opinion is described as “strictly economic”
  • For this reason, the head of the NBP rejects the possibility of converting the loan into PLN and maintaining the interest rate on the foreign currency. The president of the central bank also points out that banks should have the right to pursue their claims for using capital
  • However, in order to avoid negative social consequences, prof. Glapiński proposes compromise solutions
  • More such information can be found on the main page of Onet.pl

“From the strictly economic point of view, it can be assessed as a proportional solution with regard to contracts in the case of which the so-called conversion clauses have been found to be abusive, consisting in replacing the rate specified in the contract with another rate determined in a manner resulting from the provisions of law or customs“- this is the key fragment of the position paper sent by the NBP to the Supreme Court.

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